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First Name: Jane


Post by JaneE »

Hi I am desperate for advice: 8 weeks ago my baby got fleas, we treated him, washed/threw away bedding, had the house fumigated, and to date we are still finding random fleas' on him! We have used flea treatment, flea collar, and flea tablets to no avail. We are checking him every day which he is now really fed up with by the way and we still find one maybe two random fleas just wandering around near his privates.
We have bathed him and he is groomed every 6 weeks. Help please what can we do???
Harry must be the cleanest dog on the block with the bathing and grooming yet we are still finding these little fiends!!!

Can anyone offer any advice?
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Born: 21 Feb 2014
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Re: Fleas!

Post by zeta1454 »

It can be a challenge to get rid of fleas once they have established in a home environment. Although the fleas get on the dog to feed, they can live and lay eggs in any soft furnishings in the house as a priority. We have in the past used Indorex spray to clear fleas and eggs from the home:

https://uk.virbac.com/products/parasiti ... old-flea-s

I am not in favour generally of using chemical sprays at all and do not use them on our dogs but, if fleas have really established a hold in the home, I would suggest this one.

Are you sure that Harry is not picking up fleas at the groomers? Anywhere that a lot of dogs are taken to including vet surgeries and groomers can result in random fleas jumping on them.

To treat the dogs I would use a product such as Cedarcide:


https://cedarcide.com/collections/bug-s ... 9480963292

I have used this successfully against bugs outside the house as well.

Supplements such as Brewers Yeast added to the food can also help make a dog’s scent less attractive to fleas and blood sucking parasites:

https://www.caninenutritionist.co.uk/na ... 20function.

Or a garlic supplement:~

https://www.dorwest.com/product/garlic- ... -and-cats/
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. ~Roger Caras

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Re: Fleas!

Post by Dawnspell »

I know you have them in the house but they can also be picked up on walks. I noticed Jasper was getting the odd flea and realised it was happening after cliff walks where there were lots of rabbits.
I dont give it now but I know there is a tablet from the vet that if the fleas feed on the dog it prevents them from reproducing.
Our first family dog
Barney - Pocketpark Biali Eyebright 6/2/13 - 8/3/19 Gone too soon
Motto for owners who groom their own Schnauzers -"Never mind it'll soon grow back"
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