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Tugging at trousers and jumping to nip. HELP!

Posted: 12 Nov 2022, 17:32
by MonoclePup
Hi everyone, we're new to puppies but not new to dogs. We have a mini, she's 9 weeks old and called Elsie. She really is doing so well with everything but has just started chasing us and tugging on our trousers legs or going after our ankles. I've tried standing still and ignoring but she just continues so that's not really an option. I don't always have a chew toy on me to give her that either. If I keep walking she keeps chasing. We're just concerned we're doing something wrong or that she's going to be a nippy dog :( She also turns to nip us sometimes if we're trying to move her away. We're definitely going to try the enforced rest in her crate as she could be over stimulated. She slept through last night from 9pm-7am, usually it's been 9-5am, out for a wee then back to sleep until 7 so she is doing very well. She loves cuddles but has this 'mad time' usually at the same time each day, late afternoon. Any help really gratefully received. :)

Re: Tugging at trousers and jumping to nip. HELP!

Posted: 13 Nov 2022, 12:07
by zeta1454
Welcome to the Forum :)

While Elsie is still very young she will need regular rest periods in her crate or in a bed in a playpen. If you don’t already have a playpen, I would invest in one as it is really helpful to have a safe and contained area where Elsie can rest, play with toys, chew items etc. at times when you cannot give her your full attention. It sounds as though she may be spending time free ranging in your home if she is able to chase and nip your ankles when you are busy. I would organise regular rest times which need not be in her crate but must be somewhere safe and secure and away from you while you cannot interact with her which is why a playpen can be useful. A separate room or sectioned off area of a room would be another alternative.

Overtiredness will definitely lead to manic and often nipping behaviour but most puppies do enjoy zoomies when they race around for a while and there is nothing to worry about if Elsie is having a ‘mad’ time every so often. It sounds as though she is getting on really well so no need to worry about her behaviour which is typical mini schnauzer puppy antics by the sound of it.

Re: Tugging at trousers and jumping to nip. HELP!

Posted: 13 Nov 2022, 15:17
by Schnauzerluv
We just brought home a puppy as well and yes, these are regular puppy behaviours. In my experience we discourage attacking feet and pant legs by gently removing puppy's mouth from foot/sock/pant leg and redirecting by grabbing a toy. When we have a young puppy, there are toys lying around all over lol. You could even keep a toy in your pocket? I made DYI by stuffing torn t-shirts with crinkly bags, tying it and shredding the ends into strips, it would be an easy thing to keep in your pocket. Also I try to use long tug toys that I can drag/hold beside me as I walk in the house. It encourages pup to leave my feet and directs pup forward and to walk nicely as if in a heel. I say a long tug toy so I can just walk as usual and not bend over.

I guess it could be the discouragement, but generally puppies will grow out of that.

Re: Tugging at trousers and jumping to nip. HELP!

Posted: 13 Nov 2022, 18:15
by MonoclePup
Thank you Zeta1454 , her routine is: outside every hour to the toilet but also after play, waking up and meals. We're limiting playtime with us to 45 mins then rest in crate. She's been especially bad today for really tugging at my jeans (like she would with a rat for example). She's also barked because my husband is on the sofa lying down :-\ Then we've had what I can only call aggressive outburst when we tried to put her in her crate for rest - growling and going for my husband when he tried to lift her to put her in. We don't have room for a playpen and a crate so presumably a crate will be ok? It has to be in the lounge as the kitchen isn't big enough and the conservatory is too cold. So should we limit her range unless we're playing with her?
The zoomies are fine and we play ball with her too, it's the biting that is really worrying us now. When we're kneeling down playing she sometimes goes for our face too - it feels like she's trying to dominate?
Schnauzerlove - I love the sound of a long tug toy, great idea. We do redirect and ignore but it feels like more than just puppy biting and antics, although I could be wrong :( My husband is at the point where he's wary of her now.

Re: Tugging at trousers and jumping to nip. HELP!

Posted: 14 Nov 2022, 10:06
by Dawnspell
The nipping does become tiresome but they do grow out of it, it seems like they never will but they do. I've put a link to a puppy resource pack its all games based concept training which you may not have come across before, there is one specifically about puppy biting but I'm sure you'll find the others useful too. ... rce-bundle

I would be encouraging her to go in her crate on her own rather than lifting her and putting her in. There are many games you can play to increase the value to her so it becomes her safe place rather than some where shes gets put.