Pics and grooming tips for pup!!!

The Standard Schnauzer is a working or utility dog and is the original breed of the three sizes. Standard Schnauzers are generally a robust, squarely built, medium-sized dog with aristocratic bearings.
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Pics and grooming tips for pup!!!

Post by Gehlsurf »

Hey guys,

So I finally scooped up Schluter!! Got him last weekend, but have been too busy with work to post. I wake up early every morning and work with him and spend time with him. They are insane smart!! He is pretty much house broken (just let him out at hourly intervals, so if a mistake, it's our fault, lol), and already learning sit, at 9 weeks old!!




Please excuse the mess, wife is in the middle of finishing her office build out, so we have office and interior design stuff everywhere, he's been pretty good about learning what not to chew, though... after 40 times of "No!!" And shoving a toy in his mouth, lol
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Re: Pics and grooming tips for pup!!!

Post by Gehlsurf »

So, pics as promised, and now onto grooming. I shaved in between his toes, does much better on the tile, lol. I dont want to cut around his feet yet, those fuzzy starfish feet are amazing!!🤣🤣

I have been using small side of a greyhound comb for his beard and stache after a wipe down with wet napkin from eating. Although, after drinking water, it pretty much gets washed, lol. And also been using a pin brush, but nothing is coming out, lol. Got a pro (all stainless, double sided) rake, and nothing, rub him down with a stone and nothing.

His fur is getting more wire, but is it too soon for a stripping knife? I though puppy fluff would come out with the pin brush, but nada. I pin brush him daily, sometimes twice a day, is that too much? He likes to bite the brush, but slowly learning to calm down with it. Afterwards, he looks amazingly shiny, though!

Thank you for any advice!!
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Re: Pics and grooming tips for pup!!!

Post by Gehlsurf »

Oh, and here's a pic when we first picked him up from Geprgia, man, they do grow fast and their fur changes fast, only been a week!!
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Re: Pics and grooming tips for pup!!!

Post by Dawnspell »

Oh he is one cute pup :x He has a lovely dark coat going to be interesting to see if is adult coat is as dark.

If he's tolerating the brushing / grooming then carry on. If he has a day when hes not sure then leave it for that day.

With my 2 the first hairs to start being easy to pull were across the shoulder blades at around 10 weeks. Just keep giving a little tug with your fingers. This photo was my first dog Barney you can see I'm holding up the puppy hair and the denser section below is where his wire has started coming through. At this point I hadnt really done anything other than brushing to get him used to being handled as I'd never groomed a dog before let along knew anything about stripping one :))

Each dog is different eg Barney had way more undercoat than Jasper and needed regular carding. Jasper I hardly ever got any undercoat out until he was around a year old, even now I only card him about once every 2 weeks
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Re: Pics and grooming tips for pup!!!

Post by Schnauzerluv »

I am only hand stripping my current pup for my first time, so learning as I go and taking in a lot of pointers from here.

I think I was tugging on the longest puppy fluff hairs at first, then they grow in wire. It takes 4 weeks for new hairs to grow in, so by rolling the coat weekly, you always have new hairs coming in at different lengths.

I was recommended this tool from Julie (member here) and it works amazingly well to remove loose hairs and undercoat. I find it much better and faster than carding with a knife.
Andis Deshedding Tool ... G5MSJ36YHP
Sorry if the Amazon site is not your country. Might be cheaper where you're at.

But I'll pass on the recommendation for any schnauzer owner. That said, I think my pup was fluffier than Schluter at 9 weeks, could be your pup naturally has less fluff and more wire.

Schluter is so adorable! Congrats!
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Re: Pics and grooming tips for pup!!!

Post by Gehlsurf »

Thanks guys!!

The rake I have is a Groomer.DK, the pro? Whatever the double sided stainless steel one is, but I still get nothing, lol.

But.... I just used a grooming stone on him, and it actually cleaned him up!!! At first it was cutting hairs, it seemed, alot of different lengths and kinky small ones. I'd have to assume the fact that they were kinked means that he definitely has wire hairs. I was just rubbing the rounded part of the big stone against him. But then....

I cut it to shape my hand, and started stripping, I think, lol. Anyhow, I did the action of stripping, and alot of hairs came out easily. Funny, it sounds horrible, but they came out super easy. I can see now that on YouTube it really does sound like your ripping out hair violently just from the scratchy sound, it's "bark is worse than it's bite". Anyhow, I focused on hairs that had longer grey tips, but black on the regular stem part, which seems to be the type that came out easily. He still has some with light grey tips. But they did come out easily, as in I barely held his fur/skin tight and stripped, and no yelping, biting or anything, he actually relaxed, lol.

After this short session, his fur is actually tighter against himself!!! By god.... I think I may be getting it!! My wife says she misses his little porcupine quills, though, lol, too bad... he looks dapper!
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Re: Pics and grooming tips for pup!!!

Post by Schnauzerluv »

That's great! Sounds like you've found your niche, good for you! I use my bare fingers to hand strip, it's whatever you find comfortable and works for you.

I always thought those kinky hairs were undercoat, but then you want to card that out anyway. When you say the hair lies flatter, that's what you want in the jacket.

Well done and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask 😊
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