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Posted: 24 Jun 2019, 17:15
by nessclair
I am sure I have asked about this previously but can’t find a relevant post, so please bear with me if you have answered this previously.
We are going on holiday in September in Dorset, and while Monty is still pretty sprightly at rising 9 years, he does get more tired on walks and has had enough after about 45 minutes. On our last holiday to Dartmoor he was almost catatonic (rather worryingly) at the end of the day. So, even my husband has thought it is a good time to get him a buggy so that he can walk when he wants, but can hop in for a ride when he needs a break.
I have had a look on the internet and there is a huge variety of strollers out there...I quite like the look of the amzdeal buggy with the reversible handle. There is a similar one on ebay ... Swd2tdCEkm which looks ok.
I was wondering if anyone has experience of these buggies, or could recommend something they have used. We are looking for something that could handle off pavement terrain for holiday eg beach, cliff top walk so need something robust enough. Obviously there are some over £100 which look good, but a bit out of our budget unfortunately.

Thanks all

Vanessa and Monty

Re: Buggy

Posted: 24 Jun 2019, 18:09
by zeta1454
For off pavement terrain you really need a stroller / buggy with large wheels rather than small ones which can get bogged down in sand or gravel and are generally difficult to manoeuvre on uneven ground in our experience. It is difficult if you are working on a budget as this is one of those areas where the cost does pretty much reflect the quality in terms of comfort and manoeuvrability. The rubber tyres will give a smoother more comfortable ride than the hard plastic ones but they do come at a price.

We have used buggy type strollers with our elderly and puppy dogs for over a decade now and managed with less expensive ones which we have tried to limit to places with good underfoot tracks as a result. At times (e.g. when we took some of the dogs to the cross-country event at Bramham horse trials) we have ended up having to carry the buggy up and down steep sections and also on railway stations etc. where there are steps so this might be something to bear in mind when looking at buggies in terms of weight.

This photo is the one we have used most recently :-)


Re: Buggy

Posted: 27 Jun 2019, 19:11
by nessclair
So, we went with the Katze Tatze buggy, which arrived this morning. Monty and I took it for a road test this afternoon to the woods. It coped well with the woody tracks, and grass, and Monty loved it :) If I could remember how, I would post a picture of him in it!

Re: Buggy

Posted: 27 Jun 2019, 19:12
by nessclair

Re: Buggy

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 15:08
by zeta1454
Glad Monty is loving his new carriage - great photo :-)