Hello from the Adirondacks of NY

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Hello from the Adirondacks of NY

Post by Rivers100 »

We are currently dog sitting a Miniature Schnauzer and I am in love with breed. She is most loving fun and funny little dog. The more I learn the more I like them. I am reading as much as I can. I have always loved the looks of Schnauzers but never knew anyone with one until now. I grew up with boxers my dad bread blue tick hunting dogs but I am not a hunter so he bought me a boxer. He lived to be 13yo. When my wife and I got married we adopted a Jack Russel x Corgi mutt. One of the best dogs who ever lived in my opinion. He passed away around the age of 13-15 the vet estimated he was between 3 and 5 when we got him. We had him for 10 years. Some time has passed and we are looking for the perfect fit for our family. I now have 3 kids 11yo and older.

As I do my research I am thinking a standard Schnauzer would be a perfect fit. Someone offered me a Goldendoodle and after reading about the energy level and talking to friends that have them we were like no way. We live in the Adirondack mountains and like to hike. My wife says to me we need a dog that likes to hike but doesn't need to hike every day. When I read about Schnauzers energy level that sentence was written word for word "would like a hike in the mountains but does not need to hike". So we aren't English bulldog people and we aren't Goldendoodle or Border Collie people we are somewhere in the middle energy wise.

So I came here to learn and maybe find a reputable breeder. The AKC breeder prices seem to be extremely high $3000 plus. Is this normal? Other breeds I was looking into were $1,500- $2,000. I also don't want to buy online and unknowing support a puppy mill. So here I am to learn more.
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Re: Hello from the Adirondacks of NY

Post by Dawnspell »

Hi and welcome :-h
From what I understand about standards they are the most "working" type of the 3 sizes and require more training and brain occupying type exercise on a daily basis.

Dont be put off by the size of a mini they are more than capable of doing any hiking you may do. Same as with any dog if they are used to it then it becomes the norm. Jasper is more than happy to chill out by the fire on rainy days. A shorter than normal walk then indoor brain activity to tire him out works. I would say in general using his brain rather than physical exercise tires him more.

I cant comment on prices in US and the forum doesnt recommend breeders, although people are free to send personal messages if they have any info that may help.
Our first family dog
Barney - Pocketpark Biali Eyebright 6/2/13 - 8/3/19 Gone too soon
Motto for owners who groom their own Schnauzers -"Never mind it'll soon grow back"
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Re: Hello from the Adirondacks of NY

Post by zeta1454 »

Welcome to the Forum :)

As said above, a mini schnauzer may suit your lifestyle better than a standard which can be a challenging breed. Mini schnauzers are certainly capable of hiking. Have you read or heard of Atticus the miniature schnauzer?

https://mini-schnauzer.com/2017/06/11/f ... g-atticus/

As regards finding an ethical breeder, do have a look at the Breeding and Puppy sections on this Forum for topics that cover what you should be looking for in a reputable breeder. Although written mostly from a U.K. perspective it really shouldn’t be that different in the U.SA. in terms of needing confirmation of health testing of parent dogs, eye screening and DNA test for MAC and a high welfare, caring environment in which puppies are raised in the home by people who are passionate about the breed. I don’t know about prices in general in the USA for purebred, well raised puppies but looking at the comparison of dollars to U.K. sterling, I would think that the price you mentioned is not way out of what you would expect to pay for a good healthy puppy who has been raised to the highest standards.

If you have not heard of Puppy Culture, it might be worth seeing or asking breeders if they know about or use this protocol in raising their puppies. We follow this with our litters in the U.K. but the founder is based in the USA and I imagine there may be more breeders in the US than here in the U.K. who do follow this. If you did find someone who does that should certainly be an indicator of a reputable breeder.


The more information a breeder can give you about the breed, how they raise their puppies, advice on grooming, certificates of health testing of parent dogs and eye screening pups etc. the more confident you should be that the breeder is not solely interested in a sale and go with your instincts too. A good breeder should be someone you trust to be there with support and advice for you as regards your puppy if you need it at any time in the future too.

Good luck in your search :)
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. ~Roger Caras

Pip - Darksprite Too Darn Hot
Trilby - Darksprite Rosa Bud

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Re: Hello from the Adirondacks of NY

Post by HugoBrum »

A warm welcome to this good friendly forum and there are members on here who will provide with tips and advice about your concerns etc, with a couple of messages with information and advice already, so I really do not need to add any more.

All I would say that 'Schnauzers' as a breed are excellent intelligent dogs, very loving and energetic too. I would also make the obvious statement, ask about who may be the reputable breeders in your locality, always make sure you are able to view their premises / homes were they are raised, along with any recommendations by other Schnauzer owners too. If in doubt, best to walk away is my advice. As for prices, I am unable to advice living in the UK. Sorry.

In the meantime, if interested I have a 5 yr old Giant Schnauzer, called Nina, a brilliant loving dog and very very much part of the family which she runs! :))
Nina But never forget Hugo.
My owners are Doug and Glynis
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