Flakey scabby patch on back / constant itching

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Flakey scabby patch on back / constant itching

Post by ukads »

Hi , my mini has flakey scabby skin in the middle of his back. He's been to the vets and had a cortisone injection and that hasn't done anything. It does come and almost go but now it's back again. We've tried him on lots of different high end foods, he's now on insect but this is not making any difference. He's constantly scratching. What can we do to try and clear the scabbing and the itching?

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First Name: Leigh
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is a: P/S Mini Bitch
Born: 20 Apr 2010
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Born: 15 Mar 2012
Dog #3: Pip
Born: 21 Feb 2014
is a: P/S Mini Bitch
Location: North Yorkshire

Re: Flakey scabby patch on back / constant itching

Post by zeta1454 »

Hi and welcome to the Forum :)

Some dogs can be prone to periodic dry skin and itchiness. You could try adding a supplement to his food that is rich in Omega 3 and 6 both of which help maintain healthy skin. If there is a hormone imbalance (which can happen with neutered dogs) Evening Primrose oil may also help. There are a couple of links here to some natural skin products for dogs:

https://www.dorwest.com/category/shop-b ... tRelevancy


As regards food, I don’t know whether you have tried raw feeding? We raw feed our dogs and have done for nearly 20 years now and find that it is a diet which keeps them fit and well. We feed commercially prepared raw food which has a good nutritional balance. Dry foods of any kind can be the cause of a number of chronic health issues which may not be serious illness but do cause a dog discomfort. The less processed and fresher the diet, the better for the dog’s overall well-being.

I have not experienced the skin problem you describe with our dogs so I am just making suggestions which may help. Often skin problems can be related to other issues e.g. poor gut health; exposure to environmental toxins; allergic reaction for example so it can be difficult to be certain what will work with any individual dog if there isn’t a definite diagnosis and knowing what the cause may be. I do hope you can find a solution for your schnauzer soon.
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. ~Roger Caras

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