He does love playing fetch, but gets bored after about 4 goes, unless the treats are particularly fine! He throws this ball up in the air himself for amusement!
Really happy with the groom - took him to a lady who hand stripped and clipped. 2 hours! He behaved very well; mind you, she was clearly very experienced and wasn't taking any nonsense, so he gave up fussing quite quickly! Hoping his coat will come through wirey, but looking promising. She also said that one of his ears is 'blown'(?) due to teething and advised that I could tape it to maintain shape, but I must say I'm not too bothered about that...
He is settling nicely and doing well at puppy class. Lead walking a challenge... But we're sticking with it! Only thing at class is that there is a cross pug/jack Russell who zips around him and he tries to catch it, with more fire than I'm comfortable with, I'm sure he thinks it's prey! Working on 'leave it'...! Lots to learn (mainly for me!)